Cute Cat Beds Large Dog Beds Pawpawplay

Tugga aka Twiggy in one of our very first homemade prototypes

Our Story

Growing up in a small town catching lightning bugs and crickets as a child are my earliest memories of being fascinated with the creatures of the world. Soon after those summer nights I began to realize my love for all animals. Rescuing cats and dogs from the street became my favorite pastime. I would sneak animals home by stuffing them down my shirt or hiding them in my basement hoping not to get caught by my parents. I always felt as a child that someday maybe I would create something special for them. That magical childhood connection turned into my passion today, creating products that give them as much joy as they give me.

The idea for the ruffle bed came about when I was dealing with some physical discomfort. At that time I had to sleep on the couch at night since my bed did not have the proper support for the condition I was in. My cat Tugga intuitively knew there was something wrong and every evening he would come out to the living room to sleep with me. Animals seem to have an innate ability to sense our emotional states and I believe because of this, he never left my side. It was in the middle of winter so it got pretty cold at night. Tugga would curl himself up right next to me and try to keep warm. My husband, Young and I knew we had to do something to make him more comfortable but since our furry babies never seemed to prefer the many pet beds we brought home throughout the years, we decided to try and make him something for the time being.

an idea sparked…

We took one of our oversized beach towels and started playing around with different designs, held together by a rubber band and it wasn’t long until we came up with something that resembled our ruffle bed today. Once we finished our makeshift creation, Tugga jumped right in and instantly got cozy. The next morning we noticed that our other cats were competing with each other over who was going to get inside of the new homemade bed first. What a great feeling that was for us, we finally found something that they enjoyed sleeping in! That day we had to make a few more beds just to keep the peace in our household. Little did we know that one day we would be sharing the ruffle bed with cats and dogs all over.

Tia & Young


Cats On Couch In Self Heated Cat Bed Pawpawplay

Meet Our Staff Members


Cats On Couch In Cute Cat Beds Pawpawplay

Quality Control Department

Testing early prototypes