modern-cat-furniture-cute-cat-beds | pawpawplay.jpg

Our little guy is super picky. He didn’t like his treehouse, standalone scratching post, or even the scratching post we nailed high up on the wall. But he LOVES this bed. We call him our “family cat” because no matter how asleep he is, if we switch rooms, he’ll meander in and snuggle up next to us — but no more! Now he’ll spend hours dozing in this bed, regardless of where his humans are. Even the few times the fireplace is on! I’m not going to lie and say he never sleeps in front of the fireplace anymore, but when it’s on, 50% of the time he’s upstairs in this bed anyway. He just loves it so much. Even at night he usually sleeps ON my feet (not fun for stretching out) but now he’s started sleeping in this bed instead. I no longer have to fear my feet getting mistaken for whatever imaginary prey only cats can see at 3AM, I’m safe in my bed and he’s in his. Amazing!

-Jen M

Tia Miller